High School Star Soccer Players Drop Out
Most of the star players from the High School soccer team dropped out and quit the team. Most of the star players had critics on the payment poly is requiring to train and compete in any outside tournaments. As a cause of this some refused to pay and continue training, as a consequence they were threatened with a falta grave if they didn’t quit the team or pay the payment required.
Additionally some of this star players make part of other outside teams which also requires a payment, but due to the benefits that other teams provide they prefer playing for outside teams. Being part of a outside team provides more commodities to their players, making players to prefer to be part of an outside team. As a difference to the school team that the only interest players see in playing in the school team is Binationals and Copa Columbus.
Why they drop out?
Looking at the pros and cons of being part of the school team as a player, it makes students to consider being part of the team. Meaning that students are thinking that being part of the school team is not actually worth it. They can be part of another team outside school and have more pros and benefits. “I left since they started to charge me for training in the team, for my situation it wasn’t worth it,” said Daniel Guarin. Guarin is a perfect example to why players drop out the school team. Guarin, throughout all his life has played soccer, and has been part of the school and other teams outside school. Guarin´s participation in outside teams has get him many types of opportunities in his soccer career, as a difference to the school that doesn’t provides as much opportunities. It actually makes sense why people in Guarin´s situation prefer to train in a outside team than in the school team.
“I was always part of the team, but I decided to quit and continue in my other team outside school,” said Luciano Fernandez 11th grader and star TCS player. Here another good example, Luciano has a similar situation to Guarin. Luciano has always played for the school team and in a team in the Club Campestre. And how training in poly was going to become a extra expense, then he decided to quit. As well as Guarin, both of them decided to continue in their outside teams and quit the school one.
What are they doing in this moment?
Both of this players, that were star crucial players in the school team currently make part of a team. Daniel Guarin is part of a very popular team here in Medellin, ABC soccer academy. “Currently I am part of a team named ABC which has give me lots of opportunities as a player and requires a more strict commitment,” said Guarin. This team competes a a variety of tournaments and leagues, and there’s a thing about this team, not everyone can be part of it. Their is a procedure to be nominated in the team, who can pay and train in the academy, but for being part of the team they actually need to pick you and ask you to be part of the team.
In the other hand their is Luciano Fernandez, who was the school´s striker. He plays in the Club Campestre in a team were he is the youngest, people who play here are either in college or already working in a job. “As well as the school team, I have been always part of a team in the Club Campestre, I play with much more older people (20-30 years old) is a much different game here,” said Fernandez. The age difference were Luciano play is considerably different, otherwise he plays every match he is invited.
How does this affects the school team?
Now the biggest question, how does this affects the team? Currently the team is in need of players. Copa Columbus is coming up and usually what the school does is take two teams, a 12th grade team and a 11th, 10th, 9th grade mixed team. This year both of the Copa Columbus teams are in need of players, and with the quitting of star players like Guarin and Luciano even more. Their consideration of coming back to train and be part of the Copa Columbus team will be very beneficial for the team. “It honestly feels a huge gap in the field, we are missing the players that quitted,” said Sebastian Garces, 11th grader who is part of the soccer team.
The best thing that could happen to the school team is this star players comeback to the team, to play Copa Columbus and have a better chance to compete. With both the senior team and the rest of high school team. “It will be very helpful and beneficial for the team for this players to join once again before Copa Columbus that coming up not far from now,” said Garces.