High School Basketball Team Victorious at Binationals
The TCS Boys High School Basketball team won 2017 Binationals at Barranquilla 48-36 defeating Colegio Nueva Granada avenging losses the last three years.
While the game was tied at halftime, TCS came out strong in the second half outscoring CNG by 12 points. The team was led by Senior Captain Pablo Florez who played strong defense and scored many points.
“Pablo Florez, our captain, played an admirable game, he helped the time in defensive and scoring an important point to won the final, ” Andres Uribe, 11th-grade Basketball player, said.
Training almost 5 days a week some days twice, and 2 games a week was the preparation for basketball high school students to affront binationals.
“The preparation was very rigorous, they need to train 5 days a week, in three of these days they were two daily workouts and minimum 2 games a week,” Samuel Alberto Villa, Basketball Trainer, said.
Getting up early in the morning, was these students commitment to earn the position to go to binationals. They trained from 6 am to 7 am at school before classes started.
“2 months before we started practicing 3 days a week during the morning from 6 am to 7 am and afternoons from 3:15 pm to 5 pm,” Uribe, said
For the first time, students were so dedicated training, this was rewarded by the trainer taking more players than usual.
“All of them were very committed, I took 18 students of 22, is the first time I take so many basketball players to binationals,” Villa, said.
Compared to other years, these binationals players were very close and generating good vibes to achieve their final goal, being the champion.
“The good vibes in the basketball team helped to see the incredible results on the field, this important factor was decisive to make us win the title,” Villa, said.
A student of 11 had an excellent presentation in the defensive part of the team and assisting his teammates to make the points.
“I was outstanding on the defensive part of the team, and assisting my teammates,” Tomas Moreno, 11th-grade Basketball player, said.
This team had a big challenge, it was to win the final to a team which they had lost the last three finals. The pressure played against the school for fear of losing again against Colegio Nueva Granada.
“Winning was really nice and felt good because it was against CNG a team that had won the last 3 finals,” Moreno, said.