GIN Evolution: Aiming for Community Involvment

To help other schools start up their own GIN program Jose Vega and other GIN members are giving lessons throughout the local schools in Medellin.

The main purpose of this initiative is to help and inspire other schools to create a sustainable GIN program.

To guarantee a real impact, instead of having a normal conference we want to change the format. So before having a conference we want to accompany schools in starting their GIN program,” Jose Vega, GIN team leader said.

The new conference format for this year’s local GIN will change thanks to the Evolution team. It will not only include keynote speakers and workshops, but will include a day where the schools who promote, or already have the program, will be working together with the purpose of helping each other.

It could be a smaller conference, it could be a very different conference with only a few schools sharing what they’ve done. It could be a long workshop where we help each other or give each other feedback, generating a bigger impact,” Vega added.

The leaders of this group include students from 10th and 11th grade at TCS. These students have been working with GIN by innovating, researching, and serving as role models for students not only at TCS but all around the world.

“When you get to teach someone about their everyday life it’s very gratifying when you see them feeling passionate about it. Being able to go to the Britanico was a great experience because we got to open someone’s eyes and we got to tell them about what they could do to change the world and that is what GIN does,” Andrea Fernandez, Evolution team member said.

GIN is aiming to get everyone involved in building their future, because this way everyone can understand the importance of environmental issues that need attention from the future leaders of the world.

“I think that people often forget that GIN is in everything. It’s in the air we breathe, in the people we talk to, in the people we meet; it’s in absolutely everything. GIN is literally our everyday lives,” Fernandez added.