GIN: Effective or Not

Behind so many projects, many might be wonder, how does GIN fund any of their projects, trips and conferences? Where does all the money come from?

It isn’t easy but they work their way as they do with everything to get their funding. They propose ideas to the school’s board and Ecolumbus which then takes the decision of whether it is viable, worthy and accomplishable. 

“Even though getting funds for anything in this school isn’t easy, when GIN proposes its ideas and the positive effect they will have in the community we end up getting all the resources we need,” said Tatiana Botero, 11th grade students.

GIN proposed to the school the removal of all plastic on campus and the replacement of water bottle consumption with water dispensers distributed all throughout the school which  ensured a great elimination of plastic usage around the school and a great savings in money. 

“There are 2 per school block, 2 in the cafeteria and one in the gym and those are pretty expensive,” Jose Vega, teacher GIN leader said. According to Elkay drinking solutions a bottle filling station with drinking fountain is 1,724 USD, a single drinking fountain is 1,446 USD and the bottle filling station alone is around 1,000 USD.

Back in 2015, GIN also designed and built the greenhouse for about 5 million pesos. Partial costs have been recovered with the producing greens harvested by the greenhouse team.

“The greenhouse has been producing at a great rate. Veggies and goods have been sold to staff and parents for over 2 years and it has been making up some money for GIN,” said Manuela Betancourt, 11th grade student.

At last, both local and international conferences are the most expensive with a cost of around 25 million pesos which have been refunded and correctly costed. The GIN conferences have made up the money that was spend and given back to the school.

“The school gives us money for conferences and then the conference makes the money back,” Vega added.

Even though GIN spends a lot of money it has made a lot of changes that have made the school very eco friendly and innovative place that provides their students with a good example for a better future and a sustainable school.

“The money that we use in GIN not only helps the students live in a more sustainable environment, but it has also created an innovative image for TCS around Medellin and Colombia,” Botero added