Cellphones, a Tool to Cheat

Using cell phones during the school hours is a real problem for the institution because of wrong way they are using it , cheating plus being distracted by these devices during class its a real problem for the image and what everyone is expecting from the institution.

A lot of people see this technology as an opportunity for students to learn how to use them responsibly because it prepares them for a real world job or useful for any type of emergency during scholar hours.As true as this can be, it doesn´t stops from being an enemy to the student because of the lack of concentration that this might generate and the dangerous stuff that they might do with this thing in their hands.

The school has made certain changes based on this matter, but the real decision is made by the teachers because they are the ones that make the rules for their class and eventually every student needs to abide them.

“This year I make the students put them in the wall holder and its working for me because if they´re not in the holder and I see it out,then I´ll just take your phone and give it to the office,” Gabriella Passentino, 10th grade geometry teacher, said.

A lot of students from High School have argued about the extreme actions made by some teachers based on this matter, but some teachers argued that they were naive about this actions taken by the people of this organization.

“I don´t really know of teachers that have extreme actions against the use of technology, I just know that if you are using technology when you are not supposed to be using it then they will collect it till the end of class, sometimes for the end of the day or your parents will need to go and get it,” Passentino said.

To minimize the risks of students using their phones, as recently mentioned, the teachers will ask for the phones at the beginning of class, but there are some that actually require the students to use it for educational matters.

“I allow students to use their phones for some activities where you can scam the answer and I also allow them to take photos of my solutions so they can study at home.Other than that, I really don´t use phones during class,” Passentino said.

“I think that cell phones are definitely a distraction for our students, I think that they should use them in an appropriate way but unfortunately we are addicted to cell phones. It should be a rule at school where you cannot have your cell phone out in class if the teacher doesn´t allow it,” Passentino said.

Members from the institution such as the viceprincipal, believes that the toughest or the heaviest thing is the lack of respect given to the teachers and the rest of the students, but for her this only applies to the individuals that don´t abide the rules.

“The institution is not being affected either positively or negatively, the student is the one that is being affected. They can use it as a positive influence, to investigate or do some research but they can also lose their attention during class because they´re using it when they are not supposed to,” Vicky Jaramillo, Viceprincipal of TCS, said.

The most common incidents in TCS are disrespectful from the student that doesn’t follows the instruction of the teacher, were eventually they won´t give their cellphones to the teachers because they believe that what he is doing is correct.

“That thing about not following simple instruction may affect a lot of people because they start getting used to not following rules and that´s a terrible thing to do because for the future they need to have great citizenship to convive in different cultures,” Jaramillo said.

There have been a lot of incidents with plagiarism with this devices, were a lot of children take pictures of homework or exams and they pass it around to their peers offering money or similar stuff.

The schools have made plenty of analysis based on cellphones. In one side, the school wants the students to have self-discipline and self control because they really want them to learn how to live with those characteristics.The organization is comfortable with the situation and the consequences that they have within  the institution

“In general, cellphones are a distraction,” Passentino said.