In high-stakes sports tournaments, preparation is everything. But when athletes balance intense training with academics and social lives, it’s up to dedicated coaches to guide them. For coaches Anibal Betancur and Urbano Mesa, success in the upcoming Binational Tournament means more than just winning; it’s about building resilient, disciplined players ready for challenges on and off the court.
Anibal and Urbano have a ton of experience and are committed to player growth in sports and life. Their teams have to suffer pressure to perform well. Both coaches prioritize the development of their team and individual players beyond the scoreboard. Structured practice, mental preparation, and a focus on teamwork are key for the team success, they aim to cheer and help athletes who are not only skilled but tough minded. Facing the competition, their unique coaching methods emphasize discipline, mental toughness, and teamwork, preparing their players to handle any obstacle.
“El voleibol masculino en el colegio no tenemos como un proceso que venga desde elemental, sino que los pelados que empiezan a jugar voleibol en high school… y eso no nos permite como cumplir con un proceso de formación. Sin embargo pues desde los mismos entrenamientos hemos tratado como de generar situaciones reales de juego donde ellos vayan entendiendo las dinámicas” Betancur said.
Betancur’s approach to pressure training reflects a commitment to supporting his team’s mental ability, especially for younger players. Small talks before the game and in breaks are important to cheer them up.
“Sabe que lo bueno de los jóvenes que están cobijados por muchachos que ya tienen mucha experiencia. Entonces entre todos vamos a lograr que estos pelados no les dé tan duro esa presión porque se les dispara el nivel, se tienen más confianza jugando con gente buena.” Mesa said.
Both coaches believe that navigating pressure effectively translates into valuable life lessons for their players. Pressure is not only seen in tournaments and games, but also in life. This helps the players prepare themselves for university life.
“Cuando usted es un talento y no quiere trabajar sino para usted está equivocado, entonces tiene que buscar otro equipo. Cuando usted pone al servicio del equipo, su talento es muy importante.” Mesa said.
This focus on collaboration over individual talent sets high standards, ensuring each player’s commitment to team success. Every player has to add to the team, no individual is able to make the job entirely. The compenetration of all of the players is the key for success.
“De hecho, en este momento estamos contando con una ventaja, que es el torneo interclases. Para mis jugadores era de carácter obligatorio participar en el torneo interclases porque eso nos iba a permitir enfrentarnos a una serie de situaciones de estrés.” Betancur said.
These interclass tournaments reinforce the coaches’ belief in practical experience as a preparation tool. In training there is no pressure, no fans, no sound, this doesn’t prepare them for the real game situations. Interclases have spectators, people that won’t cheer for up, and some who will. This helps to get stronger mentally for the final exam, Binationals.
“Soy muy consciente de lo que tengo. No voy con la expectativa de ser campeón, pero siendo realista en este momento, mi expectativa es meterme mínimo en semifinales.” Betancur said.
Both coaches acknowledge that their goals are rooted in realistic expectations, always balancing ambition with achievable outcomes.
“El voleibol tiene una característica Y es que solo no eres capaz, yo les pongo ejemplos como esos y hacerles entender que cada uno es fundamental. Siempre voy a necesitar del otro. Entonces, el hecho de que tú hagas muy bien las cosas no significa que te debes poner como por encima de los otros menospreciar al resto.” Betancur said.