10th Grades Flashy Convivencia

Every year in The Columbus School, students have Convivencia. This is a day to share time with their classmates, encounter new experiences, emotions, and activities.

The 10th grade Convivencia gathered all of the students, they had an excellent day at Parque Arvi in Santa Elena. From sweating to smiling it was a day to remember, as students enjoyed time with their classmates.

“The activities were entertaining, it was a very nice experience.  Parque Arvi was very beautiful so it made it even better, and everything was very cool,” Samuel Bocanument – 10th grade stuco, said.

Throughout the day, they competed against their classmates, who were randomly divided into groups to play games. They had to use both physical and mental skills to win.

“They were 10 stations and we were divided into 5  groups, each group had a “buddy” from 12th grade,  we needed to work as a team in order to succeed and we always worked hard,” Bocanument said.

After a morning full of action the 10th graders were tired and hungry. During lunch, they shared food and discussed their team position at the game.

“It was time for lunch , since they didn’t sell food at the park we had to bring our own. I ate 2 sandwich and drank water. However, all of my friends were sharing the food so I got to eat multiple things,” Paloma Urrea, 10th grade student, said.

Since it was a Convivencia, the idea was that students hanged out with teachers as well. Mr. Brown, the new 10th grade chemistry teacher, attended Convivencia and the park for his first time.

“Mr. Brown had fun, he enjoys going outdoors. It was a really nice experience because it was his first time at Medellin and he got to visit one of the most beautiful places at the city. He participated a lot with all the students,” Bocanument said.

Piero, a new 10th grade student, also show up. All of his classmates were delighted to have him during this day ,they got to know him better and had a marvellous time with him.

“My favorite thing was working with Piero, it was fun seeing him have a good time and interact with others. This made our day even better because we are all trying to support and accompany him. I think it was an excellent day for Piero,” Urrea said.

To conclude, the Convivencia was a success. They interacted in multiple activities and learned new things from each other. Not only students but also teachers were very satisfied.

“The convivencia was a very fun experience because I met better my classmates and had time to refresh my mind from all the work we had,” Urrea said.