Mother’s Day Crafts for Kids at TCS
Moms love nothing more than a handmade present on Mother’s Day, and that’s exactly what first graders did to express their love.
Kids make mom feel special with a creative gift from the heart! Every year Mother’s day is celebrated in May, when the whole world makes it a point to celebrate their contribution and example that is passed on through generations.
“The Kids were working in some heart shaped gifts that they decorated with colors and glitter, making mothers presents very special and well thought,” said Ana Paola Rondon, first grade assistant.
Teachers start preparation for the mother’s day with lots of activities. Kids surprise their mothers by giving them some unexpected gifts.
“They also created some coupons, each coupon had a gift, for example; one week they would clean the dishes, their was another gift which was giving hugs and spreading love to the house” mentioned Rondon
Sons will never catch up in giving thanks, which they don´t produce feelings of guilt but rather a gift to try to repay all the hard work that mothers constantly do for them.
“Preparations gets started a week before the day in schools and the children work on their artwork to show their love towards their mother” added Rondon
There is a big program organized in our school every year on mother’s day to celebrate it. Teachers help students prepare for the mother’s day occasion year after year.
“Kids were working in a frame that included a nice picture with their mother and sticks, and the second project was a card in which they wrote their feelings towards their mother” said Maria Delfina Diez, current third grade teacher.
Different classes had different projects but each one had a special detail that made mothers feel good in their special day. Mom will “love” the photo gift that features her son, spelling out their feelings for her.
“It was very nostalgic seeing kids write all those special messages towards their mothers, just imagining their mothers faces of joy makes my day” added Diez.
Kids make a huge difference with mothers when they take the initiative to strengthen and appreciate their relationship. Mother’s day was a complete success and showed how kids can create personal gifts that will show mothers their unconditional love.
“Love your mother and hug her tightly whenever you get the chance!!” concluded Diez.