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The Columbus School News Portal

The Discoverer

The Columbus School News Portal

The Discoverer

The Road Ahead: Seniors Navigate a Mix of Emotions While Facing the Future


Summer vacations come to an end, and your last first day of school is just around the corner. While you feel fulfilled and excited about the parties, experiences, and adrenaline of facing your future, you can not help but be reminded of the sole thing you deeply fear: growing up.

Senior year is no joke, students must manage to apply to college, consider where they want to study, choose a career, get good grades, have fun with friends, and make this year the most memorable of their lives while being reminded of the fact that they will enter the real world really soon. On that note, how are seniors feeling about their futures?

How does it feel to finally become a senior?

The peak of high school; senior year. Being the oldest in the school, being of legal age, partying, and feeling free.

“It feels great because we’re ready to take the last step of our way to go into university and live independently. Although I am excited to live my life, I am also anxious for what the future holds for me and leave the school behind”, Juana Wolff, Senior, said.

“It’s an interesting experience as you look back on all the years that you’ve been at the school and it’s a bit nostalgic but, at the same time, you’re excited about the future so you find yourself reminiscing about the past few years, and at the same time, you can’t stop thinking about applying to universities. I’m excited about going out, exploring, and living my life. It’s an interesting duality, and it’s a bit strange,” Camilo Correa, Senior, said.

“It feels great to finally become a senior. It has been a lifelong dream to be able to have this opportunity because I’ve always looked up to seniors since I was in kindergarten and to be able to actually come to school and call myself a senior is very gratifying. I feel like it is a reward to actually feel like I am almost done with my journey in school, and I am extremely excited to move on,” Amelia Restrepo, Senior, said.

“It feels like a very weird mix between two feelings of excitement and fear because, while you want to start your life and live senior year to the maximum, you feel overwhelmed by the future. You feel that everything is new and that you are on top of the world and that there are a lot of activities that you can do now that you have grown older, but it’s also like the end of a chapter and it’s really scary,” Maria del Mar Alvarez, Senior, said.


What are your plans after graduating?

Graduating can be overwhelming to most, especially college and deciding what the plans for the rest of your life will look like. Some decide on college, some travel, others work, and some even consider the military. But just exactly, what do these seniors plan on doing as they graduate?

“I plan on attending university, probably in Spain. I will apply to a few in Madrid and another one in the north of Spain. I’m very excited, and I hope I can travel the world, continue my studies, meet new people, grow as a person, as a student, as a professional, and hopefully discover what I want to do later on in my life. Furthermore, I want to live my life to the fullest, accompanied by people who love me and thoroughly learn of all that passionate me,” Restrepo said.

“I’m applying to schools abroad, mostly in the US. I’m probably going to be studying Computer Science for the foreseeable future. Eventually, I want to do a master’s or something else related to computers and work in the tech industry and probably even do it in my own company eventually,” Correa said.

“I have planned on studying business administration, but I haven’t decided if I’m staying in Colombia, or if I’m going to study in Spain or maybe even going to Australia. Currently, I’m applying to both schools in Colombia and abroad, mostly in Australia as I am very interested in studying there for a few years. I am passionate about business, and it is something that I plan on deeply studying for a few years,” Samuel Perez, Senior, said.

How are you feeling about starting life after school?

Life is scary, especially as an 18-year-old who is just learning how to be an “adult”. Some may feel scared, others may feel overwhelmed, or excited. Facing the beauty of life is something truly magical, but it is also unknown and scary.

“I’m very excited to start life after school because I will get to meet new friends and new people. I want to explore the beautiful places that Europe has to offer, meet valuable people along the way, and expand my world beyond the bounds of school. I will pursue a career that I actually like and will be able to start growing as a professional in a field that passionately interests me,” Wolff said.

“I am very excited to see what the future holds for me, and I hope to meet new people and discover what I want to do with my life and find my happiness. The thought of leaving behind the familiar routine of high school and venturing into the unknown is both exhilarating and a bit nerve-wracking, but I believe it’s a necessary part of growing up. I’m looking forward to the opportunity to meet new people and make lasting connections. Meeting people from different backgrounds and with different perspectives will help me learn more about myself and my interests,” Restrepo said.

“I have many emotions because I’m leaving like many people at school that I’ve known from all my life and so I’m looking forward to this experience but also don’t want to leave all these people that I have met behind. Above all, I hope to find my happiness in this new phase. Whether it’s through pursuing a career that aligns with my passions or simply by living a life filled with meaningful experiences and cherished moments, I want to prioritize my well-being and happiness,” Pablo Escandon, Senior, said.

What are you looking forward to in college?

Maybe one of the biggest comforts of senior year is the excitement for the so-called “college experience.” Some are excited about studying the career of their dreams, while others look forward to fraternity parties and sororities.

“In college, I’m eagerly anticipating the chance to delve deeper into my academic interests and expand my knowledge. I’m looking forward to engaging in thought-provoking discussions, conducting research, and learning from professors who are experts in their fields. I’m excited about the independence and personal growth that college brings. It’s an opportunity to meet diverse people, gain a better understanding of the world, and develop crucial life skills that will prepare me for a successful future,” Alvarez said.

“College represents a new chapter in my life where I’m excited to embrace a greater level of independence and responsibility. It’s a chance to meet a diverse group of people from various backgrounds and cultures, fostering a rich and inclusive environment for personal growth. I’m enthusiastic about the college experience and the opportunities it presents for self-discovery and personal development,” Carolina Echavarria, Senior, said.

“In college, I’m genuinely excited about the prospect of gaining more independence and taking charge of my own education. It’s a time when I can choose my courses, majors, and career path, which means I have the freedom to explore my academic interests and shape my future. I’m also looking forward to campus life, from participating in clubs and organizations to attending events and building a network of friends who share my passions. I see college as a transformative experience that will prepare me for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in life,” Valeria Pertuz, Senior, said.


What do you think TCS has prepared you well for?

TCS is an educationally strong school in Medellín, but do these seniors feel prepared to start their life after high school with the values the school has planted since kindergarten?

“Participating in extracurricular activities has been extremely gratifying for me because I learned what are you like to do as an individual who I’m like what I am what I look like as a leader, and what it is to be out in the real world working with real people and TCS has been with ends opportunity to work on Xbox with a lot of activities and clubs like GIN, COSMUN, TOM, and many others,” Correa said.

“This school has not only provided me with a solid academic foundation but has also nurtured my personal and social development. Through a variety of clubs, community service projects, and engagement with a diverse student body, I’ve learned the importance of empathy, cultural understanding, and social responsibility. These experiences have prepared me to be a well-rounded individual who can navigate the complexities of our interconnected world,” Escandon said.

“I am confident that this school has prepared me well for the modern workforce. The emphasis on critical thinking, problem-solving, and innovation has equipped me with the skills needed to adapt to the real world. The opportunities for internships, career guidance, and exposure to real-world experiences have given me a taste of what lies ahead in my professional journey. Overall, I believe this school has provided me with a strong foundation to confidently pursue my future career goals,” Perez said.