Sex Ed… Does Ed

Last week, all high schoolers had sexual education that lasted two blocks, or aproximately two hours. Boys and girls were separated and some special speakers came from Profamilia and taught us about some important diseases that are caused by sexual transmission. Sexed does help students and prepares them for their future relationships.

During the Sex Ed talk, first there was a kahoot where some questions were asked about the important diseases that are caused by sexual transmission everytime after the question was answered the guy from Profamilia explained what the disease was and how it can be caused, so high schoolers learned even more because they were some pictures that made it easier to understand. After Sex Ed high schoolers felt like they were prepared for their future relationships and know much more on how to take care before and after having sex, they are aware of all the diseases that they are exposed to. Girls know better on how to take care of themselves and all the different contraceptives methods. Boys also learned of the variety of ways to take care and prevent this horrible diseases.“While doing the Kahoot I learned about many diseases I didn’t know of,and how are they caused…they were some impactful images that made me think that I should always take care and have all the possible precautions to prevent this terrible diseases.” said Camila Escorcia junior student.

According to ABC News found out that does adolescents that get sex education are 50% less susceptible to get pregnant and the ones that get comprehensive sex are 60% less susceptible to have kids than they others that have no sex education at all. They were some myths that narrate that when teenagers are taught sex ed they are more likely to have sex but this myths are considered false. When high schoolers are taught sex ed they learn and get more scared to get one of those diseases because no one wants the get this diseases or to have a baby at a such early age.“I personally have learned about sex throughout Sex Ed like all the serious diseases that you can have or infect someone else, i wouldn’t forgive myself if i spread the disease to someone else and ruin their life, also I would like to have a baby but not at a such early age.” said Agustin Jaramillo junior at the TCS. With all the ways you can take care like contraconceptives, condoms, implants under the skin, patches and the emergency ones that are the morning after pills but only on emergencies. “I i were to have sex i will like the girl to take care and I will make sure she uses contraceptives and I will take care as well to prevents all of the dangers” said Jaramillo. With all the ways you can take care like anticonceptives, condoms, implants under the skin, patches and the emergency ones that are the morning after pills but only on emergencies. “I i were to have sex i will like the girl to take care and I will make sure she uses contraceptives and I will take care as well to prevents all of the dangers” said Jaramillo. Students were taught about all they different methods and all the pills we can use, the condoms and we also learned about new contraceptives that we didn’t even knew about and its effectivity.

Sex Ed does Ed. The sexual education sessions we had made a good impact in the high schoolers life and is good for their future relationships and can save them from making big mistakes and having regret in their lives a regret they don’t deserve because of all the good things they can do to prevent it.