Confirmation of The Catholic Church at The Columbus School
The Catholic Church is preparing 9th thru 12th grade Columbus School students for their Confirmation at The Columbus School in November.
Approximately 40 high school students including fifteen 11th graders are studying for the confirmation at classes on Wednesdays after school.
“We do the confirmation here in the school because most of the students practice Catholicism, so the school wants to give them a hand to receive the sacrament,” Carlos Osorio, Confirmation Organizer, said.
Students in the TCS volunteer to study and take the sacrament and enter their religious life. There is much to learn for the Confirmation ceremony so students need persistence and preparation for when the time comes.
“Confirmation is the sacrament of Christian maturity. It is where you decide if you want to continue living in the philosophy that Jesus taught us,” Osorio said.
Students are confirmed by commitment, they study the catechism which is a summary of the principles of Christian Religion.The Roman Catechism was published in 1566 by the Council of Trent as a reference for priests.
“When they make the decision to confirm is not their own decision it is more a family tradition or requirement, but in the preparations after listening to the catechism students who entered by obligation will start to take the taste,” Osorio said.
For some students, religion is really important now that it plays an important role in their lives. They think the confirmation will turn them into “adults” in the eyes of the church, expressing all his faith and love for God.
“Confirmation for me is something really important given the fact that this highlights the final step to show god my big faith in him,” Manuel Jaramillo, 11th-grade student, said.
Not everyone has the same opinion about the confirmation, it could serve different purposes in life it depends on the person and how he/she sees religion.
“Different people have a different point of view, but mine focuses on faith if you have this value my opinion is the confirmation would change your life, but I repeat everyone has a different point of view, ” Pedro Jaramillo, 11th-grade student, said.