A Dark Knight: The Birth of an Icon

Are you a fan of superhero universes? Are you looking for a spine-chilling TV series? Well, Gotham is your best choice, and let me tell you why. Warner Bros’ Gotham has it all, and it’s ready to make you obsessed with it from the first episode of the series.

This masterpiece displays much of the Batman universe and each one of the characters, as well as a detailed description of them and their development throughout the series. Basically, Gotham is an elongated version of a Batman movie, and what’s not to love about 4 seasons of the Dark Knight? This 2014 TV series is definitely a must watch; paired with its ability to engage the viewer, it has all the ingredients for success.

The series takes place on Gotham City, a crime-infested metropolis which faces hundreds of villains ready to be taken on by the GCPD, lead by Jim Gordon, played by Benjamin McKenzie, and Harvey Bullock, played by Donal Logue. Daily life in the city involves all the struggles of its inhabitants, including Bruce Wayne, and his path to becoming the masked hero.

What better comparison to make than to Batman: The Dark Knight. Gotham’s older brother is a tough analogy to make, now that it is one of the greatest hero movies of all time. Important scenes in this movie build up the plot of an obviously shorter film and leave the audience shocked, wanting for more… Gotham is a little bit different, it emphasizes on the build-up of the characters, and how each one of them became the biggest, baddest, toughest version of themselves in a gothic universe of crime and terror. Both filmographies rely heavily on those critical moments to allow the audience to understand and get hooked on their prodigious plot.

Moreover, the plot in this TV series differs greatly from the majority of other plots available to see in other superhero series and movies. As I stated before, Gotham heavily emphasizes on building up the character and allowing the audience to know exactly who the character is, his/her abilities, and how he/she became the greater version of themselves. Many hero movies and series skip the whole descriptions and go straight to the action, but Gotham uses this common denominator as a resource to go a different route and show people a completely new side of superhero universes they’ve never seen before.

Additionally, Gotham has extraordinary effects and technical elements, which can be compared to the ones similarly used in History Channel’s Vikings. The reality of the battles, the sound of swords clashing against one another, the spilling of blood, and the captivating and immersive music all constitute for the creation of an also amazing series. Gotham and Vikings share these elements, using them in their favor to create fascinating environments and moments difficult to forget throughout the series. All in all both series have the ability to give their audience the best technical elements available to provide an unforgettable experience.  

All things considered, Gotham is a stupendous TV series that I recommend to everyone, literally, anyone can see and understand the series, even if they have no clue about the Batman Universe whatsoever. My rating for this work of art if 4.5 stars out of five possible ones, and no one should pass on the opportunity to watch it and enjoy everything it has to offer.