Car-Men, a Business Inspired in a Passion

When your work or business meets with your hobbies and the things you enjoy, something good can come up and work as a job that gives you profit as well as a good time. The young entrepreneur Alejandro Gomez found something similar, it is all about his passion for the cars and his aspirations to be independent.

One year ago, Agustín Jaramillo, Tomás Quintero, and Alejandro Gomez were planning on doing a road trip to El Carmen de Viboral, with no financial intentions, just some friends driving and having some fun. After this trip that went out really good, they decided keep doing this trips but also trying to earn some money. Some weeks after, the event Car-Men was organised and anyone that liked cars and speed could go. After some time they were doing pretty well, started doing YouTube videos and promoting their business, and that is when the brand Car-Men came to the world.

“I’m working on a start up,I’m starting a clothing line related to cars. We also did some events, some car meetups where people joined on the weekends, hang out with us and we had a good time” Gomez said

The majority of good business don’t usually start with an obligation, maybe most of them start with a need, or just something you want to do. But the most successful business and brands started because the person doing it, work on it not because he had to, but because he wanted to. Car-Men is just starting, but Gomez was not forced to do it, it all started from something he and his friends liked.

Experience is something essential for business to go well, and Gomez is taking this seriously, Car-Men is is the result of various ideas he has collected while working or experiencing other types of business.

“I’ve worked on some other things before Car-Men, the most recent one was a project I did with Bancolombia, about bracelets to pay in their data phones” Gomez said.

As well as experience, you also need some help from people that know. Gomez had the best guide to help him grow his business, his dad.

“ Car-Men business has two important aspects for me, I highlight the entrepreneurship as well as the learnings that this is going to give to Alejandro even though it does well or not” Jorge Gomez said.

Going back some time, things were not as they are know. Sometimes you cannot start a business and put all the ideas, time, and work your self. As in the logo is shown, Car-Men was started by Tomas Quintero, Agustin Jaramillo, and Gomez. For several reasons they wanted or had to leave the team.

“I did had the great opportunity to start the business with to great friends and partners, unfortunately they are not here anymore but I learned a lot from them and the bases were built alongside them” Gomez Said.

People with experience say that making errors and falling is the only way to stand up and be successful. Almost or even no one has got to the point of being successful without, effort, time, experience, and making errors. This is why all of this project is going to be so helpful to Gomez’s life in the future. He will not what and what not to make at the point of taking decisions.

“Errors? Of Course, the first thing is that people should know that for every new business that you go into, for every new business type, you’ll always have to pay what I call a Piso de Entrada. Which is that you probably won’t do well the first time and that you will have to lose some money in a bad business or in a bad deal before you can actually succeed and actually start earning” Gomez said.

This project might or might not success, but it is certainly going to leave something positive for Gomez’s life. The experience, the effort, the time, and the knowledge that all of this is leaving. Gomez is already one step ahead of all of his friends and almost everyone his age which is a really great advantage in his life.

“Creating a brand, or even starting a business on your own at this age, does not happen from one day to another. Here, he will learn the importance of perseverance, discipline, and emplacement to achieve that Car-Men gets to be a recognized brand” Jorge Gomez said.

In life you need to have dreams, and if you really want to make them happen they have to stop being dreams and turn into goals and then into plans. With effort, time, and dedication you will learn to stand up when you fall and away from all his projects and the business he is working on right now, he is building all this values to be a successful person in the future.

“I have dreams, big dreams. I want to learn and make errors but my main goal at this moment is to take Car-Men to a whole new level” Gomez said.