Teaching Values Through “Somos Guajira”

Vigorous contributions have defined The Columbus School K4 students by stepping on to reality and facing one of the many current national issues: poverty in La Guajira.

The students have shown a great effort and interest in the annual campaign of “Somos Guajira.” By learning and actively helping the Colombian department, the K4 family has played a crucial task in the social duty. The kids can now say they’re informed of the alarming situation currently happening in the Northeast of the country. Values have been one of the most touched topics, and students themselves have adopted their most true meaning.

“We had an assembly on kindness where we touched on the theme that kindness is ‘sharing with people and helping others’ and as we have seen very kind people who are contributing with much generosity and kindness to the campaign of ‘Somos Guajira.'”

Such new terms have been introduced to the kids through the project, and by applying their meaning to the actual labor, they are now able to define them. The positive impact they’re creating will mark their perception of empathy, creating honorable individuals.

When asked about caring, three K4-E students they responded, “Every time we help and  [share] with others, they will then share with us.”

By using simple definitions to the values of caring, the students were able to add such new words into their vocabulary and basically life. Keeping in mind the concept of what you give, life will give it back, is a perfect way to teach kids how acting correctly will bring joy and satisfaction to themselves, as wellbeing to others around them.

“At this moment, we are working throughout the whole school in the social part and raising awareness as ‘Somos Guajira,'” Villegas added.

The annual 8th grade project of “Somos Guajira” has taught the topic of social labor in the beautiful but neglected department of la Guajira in Colombia. By raising awareness, more people will be involved in the social problematic Colombian natives are facing.

“They are the same values as those we have in the school of the five pillars, there is that of goodness, then they are values that day by day, universal values that we work with the little ones,” complemented Villegas.