Struggling Students Supported by Elementary PAC

The PAC has been meeting this last few weeks, for the meetings of the last trimester of the year to support the students that are failing at this point of the scholar year, in lower elementary.

The Parent Advisory Council (PAC) is a committee designed by the lower elementary school to help students that are not achieving necessary goals. It’s a mandatory committee implemented three times a year to assist those with academic or behavioral troubles.

Since the school was founded the committee was created, and it’s made up by members involved with the school in different ways. The idea is to select lower elementary students that are having trouble in academic areas and brainstorm ideas for the students to resolve their problem.

“This committee has been ever since I entered the school around 10 years ago, its vital for the progress in academic areas in our school,” Patricia Henao, lower elementary counselor, said.

Each trimester, cases are presented to the PAC until the student recovers the failed area. The case is analyzed, to gather ideas and recommendations to benefit the kid throughout the year.

“The mission is to give recommendations to the child that needs help; what strategies are proposed as to how the school or parents can help. It’s trying to help to look for how the child can remedy the academic or behavioral situation so that his year is successful,” Gloria Cecilia Tobon, lower elementary learning center leader, said.

The administrators from each school, one teacher per grade level, the counselors, learning center and one parent from each grade level make up the board. All of them fight for the same cause and propose ideas to help the students.

“The problems are resolved as a group by the committee, each person gives their ideas and then they decide which ones are better to fix the problems,” Henao said.

Members choose the kids together by their performance and attitude in school, but they do it by taking care of the students’ reputation the most they can. Their main goal is for the student to get affected positively with no other problem.

“For the kids that aren’t getting to all the goals, this committee is being presented as an anonymous committee, since almost no one knows who the members are,” Tobón said.

This committee does the best they can every year to achieve the goal it has, helping the students of the school.

“It’s a way for us to work around students and parents which is what’s most important for us,” Tobón said.