New Librarian sets to give the library a younger and fresher air

Carolina Madrid a well known teacher here at the school, becomes elementary librarian this year, planning to create a more dynamic and interactive class for the elementary students.

The retiring of the other librarian, Ms Jane lead Carolina to take her dreamed job starting this year, after being at many other teaching jobs here at the school for many years.

“This has been my dream job for ever and ever, I love books,  I love reading, and I always wanted to be a librarian, but didn’t though it could be possible” Madrid said.

Her thirteen year experience teaching little kids is a huge advantage when dealing with elementary students.This kids, are a new type of generation, a generation that since it was born, has been surrounded by technology, and are only entertained by it,  so to encourage the little kids to read more  and to teach them to acquire a taste for reading and books, she has a whole plan, where she includes technology in her classes, and that way make the students enjoy the class.

“We have QR codes that reads the story to the kids, so we are implementing technology, also research skills for 2nd through 5th grade students in the Chromebooks.”Madrid said

Being the teacher for 7 grades is not an easy job especially when there is a huge difference in  ages which means a big difference in  what they like and what they are able to do   so another huge challenge that has Carolina has this year is coming up with ideas of what to do in her class depending on the grade, because a 5th grade student can’t be doing the same stuff as a first grader, so for this she has planned  out a list of activities for each grade.

“ The little guys (K4-1st grade) usually come in and sit down and I read them a story and  then they shop for books. Second through fifth grade  is where I can do much more different things, like research skills on the Chromebooks, we play musical chairs,and groups, it is a more dynamic class” Madrid said

This job is not an easy task, but surely we can say that the elementary kids are in safe hands because as Aristotle said”Pleasure in a job, puts perfection in the work”  so this is exactly what we can expect from our new elementary librarian, Carolina Madrid.