Thousands of families displaced

Thousands of families were forced out of their homes because illegal armed forces between the 17th and 20th of January this year which drew in the attention of the media.

In Cauca, South Córdoba and in the frontiers between Casanare and Boyacá, many villages were attacked and thousands of people had to move from their homes as armed forces took over their homes. The damage is still being calculated but for now the government has done nothing to repair the damage done to the families. The community already knew about the attacks since since a member of another group informed them, the community told police but they didn’t do anything to stop it.

¨On the 19th of this month, a third event caused the forced displacement of 149 families […] It was a warning to the community by armed men, who assured the villagers that they would face another illegal group, coming from Barro Blanco, in the municipality of Tarazá, Antioquia,¨ according to El Tiempo.

Illegal armed groups like ELN started taking towns and making people move away by threatening about killing them, if they didn’t go away or joined them there would be a massacre.

The most delicate situations occurred in areas such as Bajo Cauca, southern Córdoba and on the borders between the departments of Casanare and Boyacá,” according to El Tiempo.

Only people who are trying to actively help the communities are independent organizations that try to help families by giving them a home or goods like food, clothes or hygiene related items.

“If everyone had a job, health care, a place to live and proper education, illegal armed forces wouldn’t be necessary,” said Ana Isabel García TCS High School counselor.